The incredible total from the BBC Lifeline Appeal.
Our BBC Lifeline Appeal aired in April 2024. This was a chance to us to raise awareness about Huntington's and the work of the Huntington's Disease Association to a national audience.
We had eight minutes to show the viewer what it's like for people living with Huntington's disease and how the charity supports people no matter what stage of the disease they are at.
The appeal raised an unbelievable total of £39,504. To know that a lot of the money raised was from people who had never heard of Huntington's disease affirms that we made a big impact with our appeal.
This is another opportunity to thank the stars of the show, Chris, Charlotte and Elaine, and Natalie and Heather for taking part in the film. A special thank you to the BBC who not only gave us this opportunity but for supporting us through the process of the appeal. A huge thank you to everyone from our community who watched, shared and donated.
If you missed it or would like to rewatch our appeal, you can do so below.