Huntington’s Disease Association branches and support groups are run by volunteers. Groups meet up and down the country for a mixture of social activities, information sessions, fundraising and a good chat.

Find a branch or support group near you

Our branch and support groups are informal and are run to meet the needs of the people who attend. You can find out more about your local branch and when they meet by clicking on area to see what groups are available near you.

Find support near you

For more information about branches and support groups, or if you are thinking about starting your own, please email or call 0151 331 5444. 

What they do


Provide a listening ear

Branch and support groups

Host group events


Organise days out

Graham and Sally with cheque - London Branch - Consent 2022

Branch and charity fundraising

London branch

Raising awareness at events

Find out more about branch and support groups in your area

Local branch and support groups