The Government has made an extra £842 million available to help the most vulnerable across England.
The funding is an extension of the Household Support Fund and has been allocated by the Department for Work and Pensions to councils in England, who will then use it to support those in need in their local area.
Councils can decide how best to use the funding to support people in their local area quickly and efficiently. The fund runs from 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024.
The Household Support Fund is there to help low income households, including families, pensioners, unpaid carers, care leavers and disabled people. It provides immediate help for those who are struggling.
This could include help with your energy, water, broadband and phone bills, as well as other essentials such as food, clothing and hygiene products. The fund can also assist with transport-related costs such as car repairs, buying a bicycle or paying for fuel. Those wanting to find out what support is available in their local area should visit their Council’s website or contact their local council office.
For further information, go to the Household Support Fund on
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Q: Who is this Household Support Fund for?
A: Funding is aimed at those most in need and each local authority will have their own eligibility criteria. You may not need to be getting benefits to receive help from the Household Support Fund.
Q: Will receiving support from the Household Support Fund affect other benefits?
A: No, this is additional funding to help with the cost of living. Payments will not affect your benefits.
Q: How do I apply for support through the Household Support Fund?
A: Each council will have different plans and eligibility requirements to distribute their funding. Residents should check their Local Authority website to find out more about their local scheme.
Q: Do I need to repay any payment, or return any goods I receive?
A: Local Authorities will set out the details of their local schemes, but there is no expectation for awards to be repaid for the Household Support Fund.
Q: What can I use this support for?
A: Authorities can use the funding support with the costs of food, energy and wider essentials. This can include providing vouchers or cash to households, providing food and goods directly or through third party grants.
Q: How can I find out what support is available in my local area?
A: Check with your local council to find out what support is available.
Q: I do not meet the criteria but need other help, what other support is available?
A: Check the Help for Households website for the Government's full range of Cost of Living Support.
Q: Can I reapply if I have had a previous award?
A: Check with your local council. Each Local Authority will have different eligibility requirements.
Q: What if I’m in Scotland or Wales?
A: The Household Support Fund operates in England only. The Devolved Administrations receive Barnett Formula funding as a result of this, as usual. It is for the devolved administrations to decide how to allocate this additional Barnett funding.